Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Amy from Brooklyn writes...

Amy from Brooklyn [whatz up gurl!!!] writes "Checked the blog (not in a stalking kind of way..lol...) and your last post looks like June 30th".

What's up with that Mr. Keith Michael Ashton?

Well my computer has been sad aka down for quite some time (tick tock) but I'm getting back (cue Rocky theme music) into it thanks to an Angel (cue harp music) from Miami (cue Miami Vice theme music) who has fathered a fascinating one, who has given my computer life (It's ALIVE!! It's ALIVE!!!) if only just one night (cue that Luther Vandross song). I have also been busy (can we get the sound of many bees), ya know what I'm saying. I have been laying kinda low of late...but as I wrote to Re TAHHHHH...

As I wrote to Re TAHHH, RE TAHHHH from Canada Not Dry via Palm Desert with the eyeball in the pick up, as she raced down the five for you know mon, I'm still out here trying to get from here to there. I want to live in a big house in Pasadena and become a fifthly wealthy recluse who invites insecure middle aged blond aspiring "actresses" to see me as I use my tongue to convince them to join my cult.

I want to give a shout out to my cousin Adrian in Florida and his lovely family.

Hey, have you guys seen the BBC series Couplings? It's amusing.