Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is this It? (jlete version)

Is this it? It's 2:08 in the morning and I'm watching the Detroit Lions play the Denver Broncos...well, I'm watching a recording of the game. I was also looking at jlete on the computer earlier but I won't go there. I should head to bed but my head and heart is not ready. I am restless. Ready to discover the next stage of my "career" (insert laugh track). Or maybe I am not ready. Hmmm. Is this it?

Hey, have you guys seen Michael Jackson's "This Is It"? I saw the movie in the theater. And surprisingly I purchased the movie. Surprisingly why? I don't know. I didn't think I was going to purchase it. But I've watched it several times ... about four times. Pretty darn fascinating. One would say it's just a behind the scenes of rehearsals for a concert. And it is. But it's amazing when you just sit in front of the TV screen, uninterrupted and you watch this...well, change, that, it's amazing when I watch this. It's interesting when you see talent. Talent doesn't have to yell. Talent doesn't have to show all, it's just there. It's funny, I have seen so many ... hey Detroit Lions won, how strange....oh, where was I...oh yeah, it's funny, I have seen so many Michael Jackson impersonators...you know, doing the moon walk, and dancing to Billie Jean, but none of them capture something that I didn't observe until watching "This Is It". None of them capture his heart. His moves were tight and detailed, and many strive to capture that, but his heart colored his moves. I know this might sound corny but man, watch this movie and you'll see how much heart this guy had as he sings and dances and talks. Each music routine crescendos. Have you heard covers of his songs, and they seem just a'ight? How many times have I heard his music...but when I sit down and just watch him, he simply puts it in orbit. He is truly a pleasure to watch and take in. Each view seems to get better. A sign of brilliance. A sign of brilliance is when you can watch a person/performance several times, and you fully enjoy it each time. I've watched that movie about four times and each time I fully enjoy it. (The last time I watched it with my mom and my sister, both just recently released from prison) Wow, what talent. And there is a move he makes after the floor rises at the end of the Thriller production and he is just getting down...wow. A true talent. He is very inspiring. Could you imagine fully loving what you do and it was obvious to others. Wow, what if people felt the same way about me...enjoying seeing me perform the same routines over and over again. Wow, that would be powerful. Hmm, okay, it's 2:33 a.m., and I should be heading to bed, even though I am not sleepy. Thanks for letting me just express myself, and I hope that all of you out there find the courage to pursue what you truly love.

Amy from Brooklyn writes...

Amy from Brooklyn [whatz up gurl!!!] writes "Checked the blog (not in a stalking kind of way..lol...) and your last post looks like June 30th".

What's up with that Mr. Keith Michael Ashton?

Well my computer has been sad aka down for quite some time (tick tock) but I'm getting back (cue Rocky theme music) into it thanks to an Angel (cue harp music) from Miami (cue Miami Vice theme music) who has fathered a fascinating one, who has given my computer life (It's ALIVE!! It's ALIVE!!!) if only just one night (cue that Luther Vandross song). I have also been busy (can we get the sound of many bees), ya know what I'm saying. I have been laying kinda low of late...but as I wrote to Re TAHHHHH...

As I wrote to Re TAHHH, RE TAHHHH from Canada Not Dry via Palm Desert with the eyeball in the pick up, as she raced down the five for you know mon, I'm still out here trying to get from here to there. I want to live in a big house in Pasadena and become a fifthly wealthy recluse who invites insecure middle aged blond aspiring "actresses" to see me as I use my tongue to convince them to join my cult.

I want to give a shout out to my cousin Adrian in Florida and his lovely family.

Hey, have you guys seen the BBC series Couplings? It's amusing.